71.   Physicians will be available to talk about the screenings, as well as treatment, nutrition and other issues related to the disease.

72.   Perhaps the factor cited most often is that physicians are still reluctant to prescribe strong pain medications for fear of running afoul of drug-control authorities.

73.   Practicing physicians are only dimly aware of many of these disorders, some of which occur only once in as many as several hundred thousand births.

74.   Physicians are eager to see bad doctors sorted out and the situation fixed or the doctor removed from practice.

75.   Physicians here are far more restricted in the types of tests they can order.

76.   Physicians were the target audience.

77.   Part-time physicians are rare, but part-time veterinarians are not uncommon.

78.   Physicians are free to use either device in the abdomen or the pectoral area, but only Guidant can promote its new device for pectoral use.

79.   Physicians for Human Rights was one of the first rights groups to call for ground troops to allow for the repatriation of Kosovar Albanians.

n. + be >>共 1635
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result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
physician 0.01%
physician + v. >>共 383
be 11.65%
say 9.98%
have 3.50%
prescribe 2.99%
tell 2.04%
use 1.82%
recommend 1.68%
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