1.   Another balloon is then used by physicians to expand the stents and lock them in place once they are in the artery.

2.   Ban supporters countered that physicians could use alternative methods.

3.   A balloon is used by physicians to expand the stents once they are in the artery.

4.   A related application, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is used by physicians for medical diagnosis.

5.   But even at MGH, he said, not all physicians are routinely using the scans to diagnose appendicitis.

6.   His physician used heart monitors and other technical devices to measure his physiological responses in situations ranging from commuting to public speaking.

7.   In some cases, physicians are using the same type of anti-rejection medications used in transplant patients to try to prevent the immune system from attacking the muscles.

8.   In the postherpetic stage, most physicians use Zostrix, which reduces the pain.

9.   Physicians used to think that injury from lack of oxygen happened instantaneously.

10.   Physicians can now use a simple blood test to identify women at high risk of having babies with neural tube defects.

n. + use >>共 1017
company 4.37%
police 3.55%
people 3.04%
government 2.19%
team 1.10%
group 0.92%
system 0.89%
worker 0.86%
official 0.82%
doctor 0.77%
physician 0.08%
physician + v. >>共 383
be 11.65%
say 9.98%
have 3.50%
prescribe 2.99%
tell 2.04%
use 1.82%
recommend 1.68%
perform 1.46%
take 1.46%
need 1.17%
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