71.   Faced with mounting criticism, newly elected French President Jacques Chirac on Monday tried to explain his decision to resume nuclear testing in the South Pacific.

72.   Facing mounting criticism that its sanctions hit innocent civilians the hardest, the U.N. security council is considering changing the way it imposes such punishments.

73.   Facing mounting criticism over his management of the economy, Thai Finance Minister Amnuay Viravan said Wednesday that he would decide overnight whether to resign.

74.   In recent months, De la Rua has faced mounting criticism over a stubborn economic recession he has tackled through unpopular tax increases and other austerity measures.

75.   In the face of mounting criticism, Racicot has since given up his other lobbying clients as well.

76.   Indonesia, gripped by ongoing economic and political upheaval, has come under mounting criticism for not doing enough to control the fires.

77.   In the face of mounting criticism, the IRA-allied Sinn Fein party has stuck to its ambiguous position on punishment beatings and killings.

78.   It came amid mounting international criticism, including a U.S. State Department report Wednesday that blasted Moscow for numerous human-rights violations, including excessive force in Chechnya.

79.   Kaizaki was quoted as saying by Nikkei Business that he will remain as president through March, as planned, unless mounting criticisms makes it impossible.

80.   Mounting criticism can easily turn into anti-government sentiment.

a. + criticism >>共 663
international 6.83%
sharp 6.41%
public 4.82%
harsh 4.74%
strong 4.30%
widespread 3.91%
heavy 3.29%
growing 2.40%
intense 2.20%
mounting 2.18%
mounting + n. >>共 412
pressure 13.01%
tension 6.01%
criticism 5.39%
loss 5.23%
evidence 4.95%
debt 4.72%
concern 4.52%
problem 2.16%
opposition 2.08%
call 1.69%
每页显示:    共 136