71.   Arena documents are about as thick as the Phoenix White Pages and make about as interesting reading.

72.   As a result of civil suits in process and the various depositions being taken, many documents are currently in the public domain.

73.   Are these documents being stamped?

74.   As for whether the documents would be key evidence in the case, Goodman said he had not yet had the time to assess their relevance.

75.   As in the corporate world, the basic fund document is a registration statement.

76.   Asked about the dispute on Wednesday, Cutler insisted that despite the titles, the documents were not germane.

77.   At issue is a document that will be debated next month at the U.N. population conference in Cairo, Egypt.

78.   At the same time, many academic historians viewed the field with suspicion, insisting that written documents were the gold standard of historical truth.

79.   Baker immediately countered that the documents were complete and accurate.

80.   Because modern-day politics has gone out of whack where this great document is concerned.

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