71.   Some analysts said U.S. pork exports to Japan could more than double because of the outbreak, which led Japan to ban imports of Taiwanese pork.

72.   Spain, Austria, Greece and Italy have set strict conditions on the importing of live animals from France, and Austria has banned beef imports from Germany.

73.   That is because under World Trade Organization rules, an import can be banned only on the basis of scientific evidence.

74.   The American side threatened to ban the import of Japanese luxury cars if Japan refused to accede to the American demands.

75.   The French still ban the import of British beef, making the issue the single touchiest point in relations between the two countries.

76.   The fuel dealer could benefit from sales of cheap imported refined petroleum products after a law, which effectively bans such imports, expires in April, analysts say.

77.   The health scare already led France to ban imports.

78.   The Indian government has banned the import of terminator seeds, fearing they will threaten traditional crops.

79.   The ITC sometimes must decide patent questions because the commission has the authority to ban the import of foreign-made products that violate U.S. patents.

80.   The measure, long opposed by the business community, would ban imports to the U.S. of products made overseas from Cuban raw materials.

v. + import >>共 312
ban 22.34%
increase 4.12%
restrict 4.02%
reduce 3.97%
allow 3.63%
block 3.44%
limit 2.96%
suspend 2.86%
boost 2.28%
halt 2.13%
ban + n. >>共 776
import 4.55%
use 4.03%
sale 3.70%
party 2.59%
export 1.89%
demonstration 1.77%
weapon 1.57%
woman 1.44%
practice 1.36%
abortion 1.18%
每页显示:    共 458