ban import
30.35 |
This country bans imports from Nigeria. |
increase import
5.60 |
This has caused companies to increase imports. |
restrict import
5.46 |
Damascus has previously restricted imports from Lebanon. |
reduce import
5.40 |
Instead, they reduce their imports. |
allow import
4.94 |
Indian laws do not allow the import of perfumes. |
block import
4.67 |
Bush is threatening to block steel imports. |
limit import
4.02 |
It also limited lumber imports from Canada. |
suspend import
3.88 |
Hong Kong suspends chicken imports from China. |
boost import
3.09 |
The rise of the yen has boosted imports into Japan. |
halt import
2.90 |
Hong Kong also has halted imports of live chickens. |
curb import
2.70 |
The Asian customers will curb their imports from us. |
stop import
2.57 |
The state stopped milk imports in December, he said. |
bar import
2.17 |
If no agreement is reached, the new EU rules could bar some imports. |
buy import
1.71 |
To pay off foreign debts, or to buy luxury imports. |
prohibit import
1.65 |
Imports are essentially prohibited. |
finance import
1.58 |
In turn, banks could become wary about financing crude imports. |
cut import
1.38 |
Food imports were cut in half. |
make import
1.18 |
It can also make imports more expensive, which could raise inflation. |
include import
1.12 |
Domestic sales include imports. |
discourage import
1.05 |
The duty was imposed in October last year to discourage imports. |