ban import 30.35   This country bans imports from Nigeria.
  ban use 26.86   Florida bans the use of headsets.
  ban sale 24.69   Last week, France banned its sale.
  ban party 17.25   It also banned the party.
  ban export 12.57   It has banned such exports.
  ban demonstration 11.78   Authorities have banned all demonstrations.
  ban weapon 10.47   Now weapons are banned.
  ban woman 9.61   The monks ban women.
  ban practice 9.08   I will ban those practices.
  ban abortion 7.83   Abortion is banned in Ireland.
  ban group 7.77   Both groups are banned.
  ban book 7.37   His books are banned.
  ban flight 7.18   Banned international flights.
  ban discrimination 7.11   Laws have been passed banning racial discrimination.
  ban alcohol 7.04   Alcohol is banned.
  ban rally 6.78   Larger rallies are banned.
  ban money 6.45   Ban soft money.
  ban activity 5.86   Its activities are banned.
  ban travel 5.46   U.N. sanctions ban air travel to Libya.
  ban trade 4.74   The United States bans trade with both.
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