61.   This was carried out as there is no provision that allows a firm to suspend its trading after being granted the written consent to trade by the SC.

62.   Under U.S. and international laws, exports of hazardous waste to China would require the written consent of the Chinese government, Laing said.

63.   He accused the HFEA of wrongly thwarting their wishes because the husband had never given his formal written consent for his sperm to be used.

64.   HFEA regulations forbid the export of sperm of egg taken without written consent for artificial insemination abroad.

65.   In another case a school refused to issue report cards to parents -- unless they had the written consent of the pupil.

66.   Candidates must also give an undertaking not to change their political loyalties after the election and not to accept any position without the written consent of their party.

67.   Prosecutors authorities said they required formal written consent from the college authorities to violate the so-called university sanctuary before sending in the police.

68.   Prosecutors said they required formal written consent from the college authorities to violate the so-called university sanctuary before sending in the police.

69.   The HFEA, which regulates such questions under an act of parliament, says no artificial insemination can take place in Britain without the written consent of the donor.

a. + consent >>共 134
parental 20.29%
unanimous 10.95%
written 10.07%
mutual 9.34%
prior 4.23%
common 3.07%
chinese 1.90%
informed 1.75%
verbal 1.31%
express 1.31%
written + n. >>共 463
statement 12.12%
word 3.51%
report 3.12%
agreement 2.73%
request 2.69%
question 2.20%
response 1.86%
record 1.79%
permission 1.63%
consent 1.58%
每页显示:    共 69