1.   Also payable are any expenses you incur with our written consent.

2.   Unless the written consent is attached to the nomination paper and twenty per cent of Commons Members have indicated their support, the nomination shall be null and void.

3.   The study was approved by the institutional review board of the Mayo Clinic and all patients gave written consent.

4.   The study was approved by the Western Infirmary ethics committee and each patient gave informed written consent.

5.   All subjects gave informed written consent before the study.

6.   Each patient provided written consent after being fully informed about the study and the freedom to withdraw.

7.   Informed written consent was obtained and the experimental techniques were approved by the Salford Health Authority Ethics Committee.

8.   Informed written consent was obtained before the study.

9.   The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee and informed written consent was obtained from all subjects.

a. + consent >>共 134
parental 20.29%
unanimous 10.95%
written 10.07%
mutual 9.34%
prior 4.23%
common 3.07%
chinese 1.90%
informed 1.75%
verbal 1.31%
express 1.31%
written + n. >>共 463
statement 12.12%
word 3.51%
report 3.12%
agreement 2.73%
request 2.69%
question 2.20%
response 1.86%
record 1.79%
permission 1.63%
consent 1.58%
每页显示:    共 69