51.   Happy Hairston was a strong rebounding forward, while Flynn Robinson, Leroy Ellis, John Trapp and a guy named Pat Riley were key reserves off the bench.

52.   Harrick knew the reserves were in no danger of losing control, Oregon State being the least talented team in the conference.

53.   He is particularly guarded about Bradley, whose public reserve is foreign to him.

54.   He said growth and reserves are important to donors who want to make sure the organizations they are backing will be around in the future.

55.   Heating oil and natural gas futures tumbled after a rise in inventories of both heating fuels eased concern that reserves would be low this winter.

56.   His reserve is a sign that perhaps Carroll is more demanding than was originally thought.

57.   High surpluses have been registered in the current account, hard currency reserves are at record highs and foreign debt payments are being made on schedule.

58.   How much oil is there, and where are these reserves?

59.   Horizontal drilling techniques and new technology to better target oil reserves have been used to increase production in the field.

60.   If its reserves were a real solution, it would not need to borrow money in the first place.

n. + be >>共 1635
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reserve 0.02%
reserve + v. >>共 219
be 33.24%
dwindle 3.10%
fall 2.96%
have 2.25%
include 1.97%
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run 1.69%
increase 1.41%
need 1.41%
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