reserve be 15.54   Bank reserves are high.
  reserve dwindle 1.45   Food reserves are dwindling.
  reserve fall 1.38   No, the reserves did not fall to zero.
  reserve have 1.05   The reserve also has trails for hiking.
  reserve include 0.92   The reserve includes several Mayan ruins.
  reserve make 0.79   His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious.
  reserve run 0.79   Crude oil reserves are running down.
  reserve increase 0.66   Will depleted foreign reserves increase?
  reserve need 0.66   Emmanuelli said France and other countries had the food reserves needed or an intervention.
  reserve begin 0.59   The reserves began to contribute.
  reserve come 0.53   Then came the reserves.
  reserve play 0.53   Only one Iowa reserve played.
  reserve remain 0.53   Much of their currency reserves remain in dollars.
  reserve become 0.46   A longtime reserve becomes a star.
  reserve rise 0.46   Analysts had expected foreign reserves to rise.
  reserve shrink 0.46   The needs are growing and the reserves are shrinking.
  reserve cover 0.39   Its reserves could now cover imports of nearly five months.
  reserve drop 0.39   Its cash reserves have dropped by half.
  reserve go 0.39   Water reserves are going down rapidly.
  reserve grow 0.39   Crude oil reserves also grew, though more modestly.
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