51.   Most said offenders were few and far between and women must do more to protect themselves.

52.   Moderate-risk offenders are subject to similar public notification, though only their zip codes, rather than exact addresses, are given.

53.   Moreover, he said, sex offenders historically are among the inmates least likely to be paroled.

54.   Most juvenile offenders on death row are in Southern states, while most countries in the world prohibit the practice.

55.   Offenders also are more likely to be teens.

56.   Offenders can be assigned to literacy programs or to drug treatment, and receive help with employment and counseling.

57.   Other offenders are the burning of oil and high-sulfur coal by industry, wood fires and even dust clouds from farms.

58.   Only nonviolent offenders are now eligible for furloughs.

59.   Other new laws required public notification when a sex offender is paroled and forced chemical castration of repeat child molesters.

60.   Petitioner argues that the Sentencing Guidelines require that drug offenders be sentenced in a single proceeding for all related offenses, whether charged or uncharged.

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offender + v. >>共 181
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