1.   First-time offenders will get a written warning.

2.   At one Army base, more accused sex offenders got administrative hearings than felony trials.

3.   Currently, a repeat sex offender could get out of jail after serving four years, Pataki said.

4.   Even supporters of the reforms warn that some dangerous offenders may get probation rather than prison time.

5.   First-time offenders usually get a warning during a hearing with health inspectors.

6.   Not only has youth violence continued to grow, but the offenders are getting younger, officials say.

7.   The governor takes pride in a tough approach which, for example, makes sure that drug offenders get jail rather than treatment.

8.   The offender has just gotten it on the side of the head with a bag of flour wearing disposable diapers.

9.   Travis County Attorney Ken Oden has said Nixon is being treated as a repeat offender, and repeat offenders frequently get jail time.

10.   Under the Pataki plan, the offender might instead get a fixed sentence of seven years.

n. + get >>共 1428
thing 4.33%
people 3.16%
company 1.69%
team 1.33%
player 1.31%
investor 1.17%
child 1.12%
man 0.90%
woman 0.83%
kid 0.81%
offender 0.05%
offender + v. >>共 181
be 22.10%
have 6.20%
face 5.56%
move 3.82%
register 3.34%
get 3.02%
serve 2.23%
receive 2.07%
go 1.91%
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