51.   This sector also will be hurt by drastic reductions in public works, notably highway construction and low-cost housing.

52.   Such a disparity made a drastic reduction in military personnel all the more essential, Baturin said, adding that the downsizing would take a long time.

53.   The cuts, ranging from drastic reductions in social welfare benefits and standing army salaries, were approved late Sunday after a cabinet debate of more than seven hours.

54.   The new law, however, includes provisions that the Clinton administration opposes such as deep cuts on nutritional programs and a drastic reduction in benefits for legal immigrants.

55.   The new law, however, includes provisions that the Clinton administration opposes such as deep cuts in nutritional programs and a drastic reduction in benefits for legal immigrants.

a. + reduction >>共 406
further 10.17%
significant 5.63%
sharp 4.64%
spending 3.38%
substantial 2.72%
drastic 2.58%
proposed 1.97%
major 1.97%
dramatic 1.83%
possible 1.41%
drastic + n. >>共 236
change 13.99%
measure 13.93%
action 8.43%
cut 6.78%
step 6.54%
reduction 3.36%
reform 3.12%
move 2.99%
drop 2.20%
increase 1.47%
每页显示:    共 55