1.   A wish list of support would include a drastic increase in private financing of the performing arts, especially in the form of endowed foundations backed by tax incentives.

2.   But now biologists are seeing a drastic increase in the number of young shrimp.

3.   Lower taxes on diesel fuel are needed so that cleaner fuel would not mean drastic increases in the cost of overland shipping.

4.   New Jersey schools face a drastic increase in student enrollment just as Republicans cut education funding, Education Secretary Richard Riley charges.

5.   One result has been a drastic increase in cancer among both Iraqi civilians and American soldiers who served in the conflict.

6.   She said she had seen a drastic increase in the number of immigrants crossing her ranch.

7.   The plan also included a drastic increase in the budget for education, something that would appeal to traditional Democrats.

8.   The omission is intriguing because recent versions of Pentium have shown drastic increases in performance.

9.   With this drastic increase came a surge in urban Native Americans in need of substance abuse treatment.

10.   Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the researchers said snow shoveling can cause drastic increases in heart rate and blood pressure.

a. + increase >>共 714
sharp 6.80%
big 3.62%
significant 3.47%
slight 2.78%
large 2.70%
further 2.58%
recent 2.57%
dramatic 2.56%
sales 2.56%
huge 2.33%
drastic 0.30%
drastic + n. >>共 236
change 13.99%
measure 13.93%
action 8.43%
cut 6.78%
step 6.54%
reduction 3.36%
reform 3.12%
move 2.99%
drop 2.20%
increase 1.47%
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