1.   Drastic measures are needed if we are to combat global warming.

2.   Drastic measures will be taken against those who engage in terrorism.

3.   Drastic situations require drastic measures.

4.   Recent violence has made it necessary for security forces to take drastic measures.

5.   Some countries have taken more drastic protective measures to save the rhinos.

6.   Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.

7.   The situation calls for drastic measures.

8.   He described the drastic measures to move to a market economy as Utopian and a kind of neo-Bolshevism.

9.   And drastic measures are needed in the Serious Fraud Office, set up last year, to ensure that it moves at something more than a glacial pace.

a. + measure >>共 741
new 6.58%
similar 3.73%
emergency 2.14%
precautionary 2.09%
cost-cutting 2.03%
good 1.99%
preventive 1.91%
tough 1.71%
drastic 1.57%
temporary 1.52%
drastic + n. >>共 236
change 13.99%
measure 13.93%
action 8.43%
cut 6.78%
step 6.54%
reduction 3.36%
reform 3.12%
move 2.99%
drop 2.20%
increase 1.47%
每页显示:    共 227