51.   It may be claimed that the documents are privileged on public interest grounds.

52.   If the original document is in the possession of a third party he may be compelled to produce it by issue of a witness summons.

53.   There will commonly be ancillary documents, such as NHBC documentation, but otherwise the completion procedure is very simple.

54.   There may be additional documents as mentioned above.

55.   A partial offer document is, therefore, a more time-consuming document to prepare.

56.   But, new documents that are being prepared.

57.   Well, can everyone take on board the idea now, if there are new documents being prepared or we get to a major re-issue.

58.   You know, there should be some document somewhere.

59.   And at the moment for all Douglas Grice knows his insurance policy documents are worthless.

60.   Precautions are also taken to prevent any attempts at industrial espionage while the confidential documents are on the premises.

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