41.   The people most likely to report unfair treatment are the best educated.

42.   The risk of high blood pressure among blacks appears to be affected by experiences with racial discrimination and whether people challenge unfair treatment, researchers said Wednesday.

43.   The ranking political appointees at the SBA say they believe there has been no unfair treatment of Money Store competitors.

44.   The White House continued Wednesday to accuse Senate Republicans of unfair treatment of minorities in the selection of federal judges.

45.   They also contend that the company retaliated against those who complained about the unfair treatment.

46.   They took out an advertisement in The Albany Times Union to plead his case of unfair treatment.

47.   Though many mental-disability lawsuits fail, advocates for the mentally ill say the law is needed to protect workers from unfair treatment and retaliation.

48.   Timely release of the facts would help dispel concerns about unfair treatment.

49.   Unfair treatment, double standards, and a lack of discipline were raised to panel representatives time and again during team visits to various installations and commands.

50.   US Attorney General Janet Reno and Massachusetts Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly had cited questions about unfair treatment of rival DSL providers in comments back in the fall.

a. + treatment >>共 634
medical 15.67%
special 4.36%
new 3.57%
preferential 3.57%
better 1.98%
effective 1.79%
equal 1.66%
same 1.50%
psychiatric 1.44%
emergency 1.32%
unfair 0.84%
unfair + n. >>共 307
advantage 17.80%
competition 10.77%
labor 7.13%
trade 6.53%
treatment 4.96%
dismissal 3.24%
practice 2.93%
trial 2.38%
burden 2.23%
business 1.87%
每页显示:    共 97