unfair advantage 23.17   He claimed it was an unfair advantage.
  unfair competition 14.02   Unfair competition, they cried.
  unfair labor 9.28   The company has been accused of unfair labor practices.
  unfair trade 8.49   There was unfair trade.
  unfair treatment 6.45   Is she a victim of unfair treatment?
  unfair dismissal 4.21   She claims unfair dismissal.
  unfair practice 3.82   Both sides have complained to the WTO of unfair practices.
  unfair trial 3.09   This was an unfair trial.
  unfair burden 2.90   What unfair burdens.
  unfair business 2.44   Others stress the issue of product liability and unfair business practices.
  unfair edge 2.17   Schmidt said using the NBA stars gives the US team an unfair edge.
  unfair tax 1.58   It is an unfair tax on our people.
  unfair criticism 1.51   But it seems an unfair criticism.
  unfair land 1.45   Mugabe has called the occupations a justified protest against unfair land ownership.
  unfair subsidy 1.25   -- Open up agricultural markets now protected by unfair subsidies.
  unfair price 1.12   Slam the lid on unfair prices.
  unfair attack 1.05   Already we have an unfair attack.
  unfair election 0.92   Batic said that the Alliance would boycott unfair elections.
  unfair pressure 0.86   Actually, it was unfair pressure.
  unfair share 0.86   Okinawans complain they are being forced to suffer an unfair share of the burden.
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