41.   Some developmental processes are like sculpting in clay.

42.   Sometimes this process is barely conscious-the repeats just slip in, filling up the page.

43.   Such a process is now under way in the international power plant equipment industry.

44.   The acetic acid process described above is an example.

45.   The actual process of collecting was very complicated.

46.   The chemical processes involved are extremely complex.

47.   The entire process was to take less than a month.

48.   The fixing process is simple and clean, and only minimally increases wall thickness and adds little dead weight to the structure.

49.   The overlay process has been most reliable here.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
process 0.15%
process + v. >>共 618
be 32.44%
take 10.16%
begin 5.00%
go 2.68%
continue 2.47%
work 2.03%
involve 1.58%
have 1.44%
start 1.33%
require 1.20%
每页显示:    共 2288