1.   And what are the molecular processes involved in establishing that new pattern?

2.   Because the process does not involve handling molten metal, there is no contamination from ladles and tanks.

3.   In doing so we have argued that the processes involved in word recognition are rather different for spoken and printed words.

4.   Most important of all, the process does not involve the high temperatures of a conventional foundry.

5.   That process involves matching voter files with change-of-address forms and Arizona vital statistics.

6.   The bipolar adversary process often involves paying little attention to these wider interests.

7.   The fact-finding process involves a more formal discussion, during which each party again presents its position and supporting facts.

8.   The healing process involves correcting imbalances and freeing blockages, thus restoring a proper energy flow through the body.

9.   The research process involves many activities that will never be reported in the published document.

10.   The transition process involved employees and management at all levels.

n. + involve >>共 1669
case 6.64%
project 1.64%
plan 1.47%
deal 1.33%
incident 1.33%
process 1.24%
issue 1.15%
dispute 1.09%
change 1.01%
problem 0.98%
process + v. >>共 618
be 32.44%
take 10.16%
begin 5.00%
go 2.68%
continue 2.47%
work 2.03%
involve 1.58%
have 1.44%
start 1.33%
require 1.20%
每页显示:    共 111