41.   In other instances, such as the Tyree case, the offenders are up-front about their sexual desires, which can attract curious teen-agers.

42.   In the view of most criminologists, sex offenders are likely to repeat their crimes.

43.   It also adds mandatory HIV testing in rape trials and provides for notification to communities where registered sex offenders are being released.

44.   It makes little sense, they argue, to keep houses shut when the convicted offenders are already free, especially with Israeli-Palestinian peace talks under way.

45.   Juvenile offenders are twice as expensive as adults to incarcerate.

46.   Last week the chosen offender was a deputy minister of public security, Li Jizhou, who supervised anti-smuggling operations.

47.   Low-risk offenders are not subject to community notification.

48.   Many experts agree that some sex offenders are too dangerous to be released.

49.   McCaskill just returned from a national district attorneys conference, where sex offenders were a major topic.

50.   More than ever, sex offenders are in the spotlight.

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offender + v. >>共 181
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