41.   That confusion has prompted a number of states to establish guidelines of their own.

42.   The ban could be lifted next month when the board establishes strict guidelines for use of the drugs.

43.   The doctors asked for an arbitrator to be named, to order the payments of claims and to establish clearer guidelines on payments.

44.   The ethics committee decided last July that sex-change surgery would constitute a legitimate medical practice, on condition that more specific guidelines be established first.

45.   The ethics guidelines will be established as directives of the ministries and agencies.

46.   The final conference document is intended to establish guidelines for population stablization over the next two decades.

47.   The decision is widely regarded as the most important workplace ruling in a dozen years, establishing guidelines for when an employer can fire an employee.

48.   The department also needs to establish guidelines that will clearly define the criteria for returning a state-operated district to local control, Klagholz said.

49.   The Koran recognizes very clearly that parents are not always immune from overprotectiveness or negligence, and has established certain guidelines with respect to children.

50.   The panel is also required to establish guidelines to ensure maximum benefits from the project for the Nova Scotia economy.

v. + guideline >>共 285
follow 9.14%
issue 8.95%
set 5.74%
establish 4.33%
meet 3.35%
develop 3.31%
adopt 2.82%
have 2.82%
provide 2.63%
violate 2.43%
establish + n. >>共 1334
tie 3.18%
link 2.54%
contact 2.16%
rule 2.09%
relation 1.75%
standard 1.52%
fund 1.50%
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identity 1.37%
relationship 1.34%
guideline 0.92%
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