1.   Congress ought to establish minimum standards for licensing of handgun owners and registration of handguns.

2.   Control means to establish standards of performance, measure performance against those standards, and take corrective action where required.

3.   Manufacturers currently are working to establish industry standards for digital transmission and reception of the signals.

4.   The law calls for the government to establish programming standards unless the industry devises its own after one year.

5.   The accord tried to establish standards to protect basic rights even when a government declared a state of emergency.

6.   Thus the need for the Archivist to establish selection standards.

7.   The quality of particular kinds of evidence will be critical in establishing standards of achievement and credibility.

8.   Americans want government to establish minimal standards for food purity and hire inspectors to stop irresponsible companies before they do harm.

v. + standard >>共 528
meet 17.54%
set 15.84%
raise 4.43%
have 3.23%
establish 2.73%
develop 2.13%
maintain 2.11%
adopt 2.08%
apply 1.93%
lower 1.87%
establish + n. >>共 1334
tie 3.18%
link 2.54%
contact 2.16%
rule 2.09%
relation 1.75%
standard 1.52%
fund 1.50%
commission 1.39%
identity 1.37%
relationship 1.34%
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