1.   But it provides guidelines as to what constitutes reasonable behaviour and it carries considerable weight at an industrial tribunal.

2.   Values provide general guidelines for behaviour and they are translated into more specific directives in terms of roles and norms.

3.   Our task is to provide helpful guidelines for better economic planning.

4.   The following example module headers are intended to provide some guidelines on how the various fields might be filled in.

5.   A land use plan is to be produced providing guidelines for protecting water resources, developing tourism and promoting ecological agriculture.

6.   Australia Olympic officials provide guidelines for when and how to use creatine, Timms said.

7.   Author Belleruth Naparstek provides some guidelines in the Utne Reader.

8.   Board Chairman Jack Christie of Houston said he expects the Texas Legislature next session to provide guidelines on appropriate investments of tax dollars.

9.   Bundesbank President Hans Tietmeyer said such a group could provide occasional guidelines on exchange rate policy.

v. + guideline >>共 285
follow 9.14%
issue 8.95%
set 5.74%
establish 4.33%
meet 3.35%
develop 3.31%
adopt 2.82%
have 2.82%
provide 2.63%
violate 2.43%
provide + n. >>共 996
detail 6.39%
information 4.94%
service 4.41%
support 2.30%
evidence 1.86%
assistance 1.63%
security 1.54%
money 1.50%
protection 1.39%
opportunity 1.33%
guideline 0.12%
每页显示:    共 54