41.   Despite police and government claims that crime is falling nationally, many Londoners are frightened.

42.   Former New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton says that crime has fallen in Caracas since the capital city hired his consulting firm to reorganize its police force.

43.   He also claimed his crime did not fall under the statute, which requires the illicit action take place before an audience.

44.   Reported crime fell in all regions.

45.   Such crimes fall under domestic terrorism.

46.   Street crime has fallen sharply in a London borough where police have targeted young suspects and eased up on marijuana arrests, Scotland Yard said Wednesday.

47.   The alleged crime falls under the armed forces penal code, which usually applies only to members of the military.

48.   Such crimes fell under the ordinary vandalism law, which has a maximum punishment of a year in prison.

49.   Violent crimes fell in Hong Kong last year, but there was a sharp increase in the number of people arrested for drug offenses, police reported Monday.

50.   While crimes have fallen in the areas concerned, it would not be New York if no one complains.

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crime 0.16%
crime + v. >>共 346
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