crime be 90.39   Crime is on the increase.
  crime occur 5.99   But such crimes are occurring.
  crime rise 5.13   Crime is rising.
  crime take 4.74   But crime took no holiday.
  crime go 4.08   Crimes go down.
  crime increase 3.95   Crime increased.
  crime become 3.82   Crime has become a critical issue.
  crime fall 3.62   Crime would fall.
  crime drop 3.23   Crime will drop.
  crime have 3.09   So has crime.
  crime include 3.09   Such crimes include murder, rape and kidnapping.
  crime remain 3.09   The crime remains unsolved.
  crime carry 2.17   Both crimes carry the death penalty.
  crime soar 1.97   Crime soared.
  crime pay 1.91   Crime pays?
  crime commit 1.84   No crime committed, they said.
  crime involve 1.71   And not all the crimes involve students.
  crime continue 1.65   Crime continues to spin out of control.
  crime decrease 1.65   In fact, crime is decreasing.
  crime decline 1.58   While the population grows, crime is declining.
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