41.   The astronomers agreed that the discovery confirmed the existence of the Kuiper Belt.

42.   The agency, as is its standard practice, neither confirmed nor denied an investigation, although individuals involved with the inquiry confirmed its existence.

43.   The FBI has refused to discuss the picture, or even confirm its existence.

44.   The Globe has confirmed his existence, but he asked that his real name not be used.

45.   The Pakistan pictures confirmed the existence of a heavy-water facility to produce plutonium and revealed the larger-than-expected military facility.

46.   Their continued existence was later confirmed by the Social Security Administration as well.

47.   This literature is still available, though the federal government recently issued a report that confirms the existence of the short-term symptoms.

48.   We confirmed the existence of a long-suspected trade-off between the predictability of advances and their ultimate importance.

49.   Yesterday, officials publicly confirmed the existence of the plan for the first time.

50.   A Home Affairs Bureau spokesman confirmed the existence of the memo.

v. + existence >>共 201
deny 19.36%
confirm 8.58%
acknowledge 7.07%
prove 3.71%
owe 3.36%
threaten 3.27%
reveal 3.18%
justify 3.18%
doubt 1.77%
disclose 1.77%
confirm + n. >>共 602
report 23.27%
death 2.93%
arrest 1.93%
attack 1.79%
identity 1.68%
incident 1.47%
figure 1.44%
detail 1.43%
account 1.35%
finding 1.22%
existence 0.85%
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