1.   All too often we preferred to deny their existence than acknowledge the presence of mental illness.

2.   Because Burns refused to discuss intelligence issues, he did not confirm or deny the existence of the intelligence report.

3.   Few would deny the existence of class differences.

4.   Firstly the telephonist denied the existence of anyone of the name of Azadi.

5.   He denied the existence of any political prisoners, dismissing the claims as part of a propaganda war.

6.   He strongly denied the existence of God.

7.   How can a child or young person immediately grieve for some one who denies their existence in that way?

8.   It is equally important that the practice of not confirming or denying the existence of a warrant is maintained consistently.

9.   No doubt this is the truth on which Hume relied in denying the existence of the Self as commonly conceived.

10.   She could not exactly deny the existence of what she thought of as the stranger within.

v. + existence >>共 201
deny 19.36%
confirm 8.58%
acknowledge 7.07%
prove 3.71%
owe 3.36%
threaten 3.27%
reveal 3.18%
justify 3.18%
doubt 1.77%
disclose 1.77%
deny + n. >>共 402
charge 15.16%
report 12.33%
allegation 10.78%
involvement 7.92%
wrongdoing 7.76%
accusation 5.30%
claim 4.12%
request 1.82%
knowledge 1.79%
responsibility 1.77%
existence 0.80%
每页显示:    共 218