deny existence 14.42   Or must they deny its existence?
  confirm existence 6.39   Its existence is not confirmed.
  acknowledge existence 5.27   Weber acknowledged their existence but did not discuss them.
  prove existence 2.76   It is impossible to prove the existence of God.
  owe existence 2.50   It owes its existence to modern technology.
  threaten existence 2.44   But their tranquil existence is threatened.
  justify existence 2.37   Can it justify its existence?
  reveal existence 2.37   Its existence was revealed only in January.
  disclose existence 1.32   Black noted how speedily Boyd had disclosed its existence.
  doubt existence 1.32   She began to doubt the existence of God.
  report existence 1.12   Their existence was first reported by Newsweek.
  admit existence 0.92   To shit oneself is to admit existence.
  recognize existence 0.86   Iran does not recognize the existence of Israel.
  question existence 0.79   So what if he questions the existence of a supreme being?
  suggest existence 0.72   He simply suggested its existence.
  support existence 0.72   Animal and human experiments support the existence of the short-interval circuit, Meck said.
  ignore existence 0.66   In every city people either see or ignore their existence.
  oppose existence 0.66   Islamic Iran opposes the existence of Israel.
  imply existence 0.59   Sanctions imply the existence of a community in which the violator must live.
  verify existence 0.59   The bank has verified the existence of the accounts.
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