41.   But summer beachgoers, with no community ties, did not support the team and the attempt failed.

42.   But the attempt failed to send many back to Rwanda.

43.   But to say that all its attempts so far have failed is not to say all attempts will fail.

44.   But until now, the attempts have failed.

45.   But weight-loss motivation can be hard to find and hold on to, particularly after repeated attempts have failed.

46.   Each attempt failed.

47.   Each attempt failed, but the plaintiffs are still seeking damages from the local telephone companies.

48.   Earlier settlement attempts failed to address the problem of providing Names with a firebreak from these potential claims.

49.   Every attempt so far has failed.

50.   Every previous attempt failed, as legislation died in the House, the Senate or the White House.

n. + fail >>共 1238
government 3.63%
effort 2.93%
talk 2.65%
company 2.31%
system 1.41%
official 1.36%
attempt 1.35%
negotiation 1.27%
team 1.20%
side 1.15%
attempt + v. >>共 246
be 44.80%
fail 14.30%
go 2.24%
come 2.17%
end 2.04%
make 1.38%
take 1.25%
occur 1.12%
succeed 1.05%
have 0.86%
每页显示:    共 216