attempt be 44.77   Another attempt is due today.
  attempt fail 14.29   The attempt failed.
  attempt go 2.24   But past attempts have gone nowhere.
  attempt come 2.17   No previous attempts came even close.
  attempt end 2.04   Recently, her attempt ended.
  attempt make 1.38   His third attempt makes its debut on Sunday.
  attempt take 1.25   DCCI, Cisneros says, attempts to take the fear out of the interface.
  attempt occur 1.12   Such attempts have occurred elsewhere.
  attempt succeed 1.05   But not every attempt succeeds.
  attempt have 0.86   And such attempts at typing have a long history.
  attempt fall 0.79   Attempts at humor fall flat.
  attempt appear 0.72   An attempt appeared to have been made to re-seal the fourth security tag.
  attempt lead 0.66   The attempt led to a week-long suspension of trading.
  attempt continue 0.53   Air force officials said that attempts were continuing to build the formation, with nine made Wednesday.
  attempt get 0.53   Britain makes new attempt get beef ban lifted.
  attempt prove 0.53   The attempt proved fruitless.
  attempt result 0.53   The seventh attempt resulted in Riccardo.
  attempt seem 0.53   Their attempt seemed unlikely to succeed.
  attempt bring 0.46   Another attempt from TNT brought another curt response.
  attempt become 0.39   The attempt at secrecy became a bigger political problem than the makeup of the task force.
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