government fail 38.58   The government has failed the voters.
  effort fail 31.07   Effort fails.
  talk fail 28.11   But talks failed.
  company fail 24.56   If the company fails, the money is gone.
  system fail 14.94   Systems certainly failed.
  official fail 14.48   Energy and Los Alamos officials fail to act.
  attempt fail 14.29   The attempt failed.
  negotiation fail 13.43   More negotiations failed.
  team fail 12.71   If he fails, the team fails.
  side fail 12.24   Both sides have failed.
  police fail 12.05   But police failed to trace the man.
  authority fail 10.60   She said child welfare authorities also failed to act.
  plan fail 9.48   The plan failed.
  party fail 8.95   The parties have failed.
  measure fail 8.69   The measure failed.
  country fail 8.49   The country has never failed to make a major tournament.
  bank fail 8.23   No banks will fail.
  state fail 7.37   The state had failed to prove its case.
  leader fail 6.65   It is sad to see a leader fail.
  prosecutor fail 6.32   But prosecutors twice failed to present Soeharto.
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