31.   That is because unless I miss my guess, it is going to wind up being very ugly.

32.   The biggest bidder on the market could very easily wind up being the Atlanta Braves.

33.   The family across the street may wind up being in a different area code.

34.   The Joint Strike Fighter contract could wind up being the largest military-aircraft contract in history.

35.   The replacement of Fiske with Starr could wind up being significant for the White House, not just because it threatens to prolong the investigation.

36.   The water treatment plant cleanup could wind up being equally expensive, he said.

37.   Then again, it could wind up being nothing more than a spat at recess between two frustrated flyweights.

38.   There is much to suggest he might wind up being a Republican.

39.   U.N. peacekeeping could wind up being the casualty.

40.   We want to wind up being right.

v. + be >>共 1325
say 9.58%
figure 6.26%
be 3.78%
use 3.36%
remain 2.65%
present 2.56%
think 1.76%
estimate 1.43%
allege 1.39%
do 1.19%
wind 0.63%
wind + v. >>共 216
be 10.00%
pay 6.38%
play 4.47%
take 2.77%
look 2.55%
lose 2.34%
cost 2.34%
hurt 1.91%
spend 1.91%
have 1.70%
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