31.   Iran suspects that the Taliban are influenced by the anti-Shiite ultra-conservative Wahhabi sect, which has strong roots in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

a. + root >>共 616
deep 8.01%
jewish 2.39%
family 2.23%
strong 1.65%
humble 1.43%
cultural 1.38%
ginger 1.38%
religious 1.22%
new 1.17%
southern 1.17%
strong + n. >>共 840
wind 3.45%
support 2.77%
demand 2.65%
growth 2.23%
dollar 2.21%
opposition 1.79%
economy 1.75%
performance 1.51%
earnings 1.50%
sale 1.43%
root 0.07%
每页显示:    共 31