31.   Serve chicken with remaining butter in ramekins and accompany with fried potatoes and sliced tomatoes sprinkled with a little chopped mint or cilantro.

32.   Serve with sliced ripe tomatoes.

33.   Sliced tomatoes.

34.   Sliced tomato.

35.   Some claim the unique flavor of an extra-virgin product from Umbria or Veneto can only be fully appreciated when savored cold, on a salad or atop sliced tomatoes.

36.   Sliced tomatoes with honey.

37.   Sliced tomatoes, mozzarella and basil also fall into the basic category, but even that mix can be varied with great results.

38.   The Basil Vinaigrette makes a terrific dressing over fresh sliced tomatoes, vegetable salads or any tossed greens.

39.   The chowder can be paired with an assortment of cheeses, a plate of sliced ripe tomatoes or a crusty bread.

40.   These potatoes are lovely served with green beans, sliced tomatoes and corn bread.

a. + tomato >>共 355
sun-dried 9.70%
chopped 5.48%
fresh 5.18%
canned 4.59%
green 4.00%
sliced 3.33%
ripe 3.03%
diced 2.52%
roasted 2.07%
red 2.07%
sliced + n. >>共 151
onion 10.78%
tomato 8.36%
bread 5.02%
strawberry 3.72%
potato 3.53%
fruit 3.53%
apple 2.79%
banana 2.42%
mushroom 2.42%
carrot 2.42%
每页显示:    共 45