31.   However, some scientists who oppose cloning humans say they believe therapeutic cloning should be pursued because it could supply healthy new tissue to fix a variety of illnesses.

32.   It also could raise new doubts about cloning animals for use in human transplantation and about cloning humans themselves.

33.   It was the first time scientists had cloned an adult mammal and the announcement provoked worldwide concerns, including about the potential for cloning humans.

34.   Many senators object to the idea of cloning humans, but are not averse to cloning embryos for research that could cure disease.

35.   Presidential panel rejects cloning humans.

36.   Research on cloning humans or creating sperm and ova is strictly banned.

37.   Science panel says cloning humans for reproduction unsafe, should be banned.

38.   Still another exhibit offers a brief summary of concerns about cloning humans.

39.   The announcement provoked worldwide concerns over the potential for cloning humans.

40.   The announcement provoked worldwide concerns, especially about the potential of cloning humans which is banned in Britain.

a. + human >>共 324
modern 15.04%
cloning 6.04%
first 5.14%
early 4.24%
fellow 2.19%
infected 1.67%
cloned 1.29%
normal 1.29%
only 1.29%
the 1.16%
cloning + n. >>共 129
research 9.85%
experiment 9.11%
human 8.74%
technique 5.95%
technology 5.20%
process 4.09%
expert 2.97%
project 2.97%
ban 2.79%
animal 2.60%
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