21.   Toss to coat bread.

22.   Toss to coat the potatoes evenly.

23.   Toss to coat the slices with juice.

24.   Toss to coat them with the caramel.

v. + coat >>共 17
toss 25.26%
stir 20.00%
turn 17.89%
use 11.58%
swirl 8.42%
mix 3.16%
arrive 2.11%
test 2.11%
be 1.05%
develop 1.05%
toss + v. >>共 17
combine 33.73%
coat 28.92%
mix 14.46%
blend 4.82%
distribute 3.61%
begin 1.20%
blinding-light 1.20%
cook 1.20%
cover 1.20%
dress 1.20%
每页显示:    共 24