1.   Add oregano and rice, stirring to coat rice with oil.

2.   Add chicken chunks, stirring to coat well.

3.   Add hazelnuts and stir to coat them evenly in the sugar syrup.

4.   Add the sage and rice, stirring to coat the rice with the oil.

5.   Add the shrimp to the sauce, stirring to coat well.

6.   Add to the marinade and stir to coat the pieces well.

7.   Add marmalade to skillet and stir to coat chicken.

8.   Add rice, and stir to coat it with butter before adding wine.

9.   Add the rice to the pan, stirring to coat it with oil.

10.   Add the garam masala and stir to coat vegetables.

v. + coat >>共 17
toss 25.26%
stir 20.00%
turn 17.89%
use 11.58%
swirl 8.42%
mix 3.16%
arrive 2.11%
test 2.11%
be 1.05%
develop 1.05%
stir + v. >>共 39
combine 22.89%
dissolve 18.66%
mix 11.97%
blend 11.62%
coat 6.69%
prevent 3.52%
deglaze 2.11%
scrape_up 2.11%
separate 1.76%
form 1.41%
每页显示:    共 19