21.   Gary Ackerman, a terrorism expert at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in Monterey, Calif.,

22.   He said that terrorism experts had said legislation might be needed to assure that the water supply was protected or that meat inspectors could detect intentional contamination.

23.   In addition, the leaders also scheduled a conference of terrorism experts in Paris next month.

24.   In acting against the Holy Land Foundation, one terrorism expert said, the administration is showing that it is ready to act against influential Muslim groups.

25.   In envisioning a smallpox attack, terrorism experts often foresee person to person contact as a main threat.

26.   In the past, their approach had been to attack individuals, said Jason Pate, a terrorism expert with the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

27.   Indeed, terrorism experts say, if the towers are rebuilt, they will once again become a target.

28.   Independent terrorism experts expressed doubt that the attack had any relationship to the Branch Davidians or their supporters.

29.   Inside a hotel meeting room here, terrorism experts from Israel, France, the United States and other countries gathered on Tuesday to share information and ideas.

30.   Independent terrorism experts also expressed skepticism about any Davidian role in the bombing.

n. + expert >>共 577
industry 7.55%
health 4.64%
security 4.09%
bomb 3.66%
computer 2.71%
aviation 2.27%
safety 2.16%
explosive 1.97%
disposal 1.96%
weapon 1.38%
terrorism 1.05%
terrorism + n. >>共 210
charge 14.48%
expert 8.29%
suspect 7.43%
case 5.56%
investigation 5.32%
threat 3.13%
trial 2.90%
list 2.27%
coverage 2.19%
network 2.11%
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