1.   And at least one terrorism expert agrees that the evidence is strong enough to justify military action.

2.   Beyond describing the scene, he and others put tough questions to former government officials and terrorism experts in the studios and on the telephone.

3.   A federal terrorism expert told Reuters the anthrax mailed to Daschle was finely processed.

4.   A Dallas terrorism expert, however, said racial hatred -- not fear of a one-world government -- is what drives many individuals in militias.

5.   A leading terrorism expert said the bill does not go far enough.

6.   A look at the world of journalists and terrorism experts and sources.

7.   A more composed criminal might have escaped detection, said Jim Walsh, a political scientist and terrorism expert at Harvard University.

8.   All of this has prompted terrorism experts to question whether states are prepared to respond in the event of an attack.

9.   Brent Smithy, a University of Alabama-Birmingham terrorism expert, said that, over time, counter-terrorism efforts thinned the ranks of those making public demands.

10.   Burleigh, a terrorism expert, is still waiting to go to the Philippines, where this week a complicated series of abductions by Islamic separatists is playing out.

n. + expert >>共 577
industry 7.55%
health 4.64%
security 4.09%
bomb 3.66%
computer 2.71%
aviation 2.27%
safety 2.16%
explosive 1.97%
disposal 1.96%
weapon 1.38%
terrorism 1.05%
terrorism + n. >>共 210
charge 14.48%
expert 8.29%
suspect 7.43%
case 5.56%
investigation 5.32%
threat 3.13%
trial 2.90%
list 2.27%
coverage 2.19%
network 2.11%
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