21.   The group has accused the French government of supporting the regime in the former French colony.

22.   The mutineers accuse Chadian soldiers of supporting his regime.

v. + regime >>共 253
topple 7.09%
overthrow 5.35%
accuse 3.94%
support 3.46%
undermine 2.36%
fight 2.20%
criticize 2.20%
oppose 2.20%
destabilize 1.73%
change 1.57%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
regime 0.10%
每页显示:    共 22