1.   A bad deal would deface his image as a defender of Arab rights, undermine his regime and compromise the nationalist and Islamic credentials of his minority Alawite sect.

2.   NATO and American officials defended the attack as an effort to undermine the regime of President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia, which they described in unusually harsh terms.

3.   Now this perverse strategy seems to be undermining the regime at home as well as isolating it abroad.

4.   The agency beamed radio propaganda into Iraq, recruited defectors as intelligence agents, tried to undermine the regime.

5.   This is the process under which austere Communist regimes are undermined by economic engagement with the outside world.

6.   Anti-government activists in the past have targeted state facilities such as airports and oil installations in their attempt to undermine the regime of Gen. Sani Abacha.

7.   But a full-scale crackdown is sure to bring an international economic backlash that could undermine the regime.

8.   But some diplomats and tourism promoters argue that an influx of foreigners could help undermine the regime by breaking its hold on information about the outside world.

9.   Last month, President Omar el-Bashir accused Albright of working with the Sudanese opposition to undermine his regime.

10.   President Omar el-Bashir said Sunday that U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was working with the Sudanese opposition to undermine his regime.

v. + regime >>共 253
topple 7.09%
overthrow 5.35%
accuse 3.94%
support 3.46%
undermine 2.36%
fight 2.20%
criticize 2.20%
oppose 2.20%
destabilize 1.73%
change 1.57%
undermine + n. >>共 671
effort 6.64%
confidence 5.89%
credibility 3.43%
authority 3.24%
government 1.98%
support 1.81%
security 1.59%
value 1.59%
yen 1.42%
dollar 1.37%
regime 0.42%
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