21.   Other signs of spending abound.

22.   Other tell-tale signs abound.

23.   Potentially discomfiting signs abound.

24.   Signs abound of both slower growth and tame inflation.

25.   Signs of weakness abound, from lackluster consumer confidence to rising unemployment.

26.   Signs abound today that the U.S. economy will skirt a recession though growth remains slow.

27.   Signs abound that both the American and the global economies are slowing.

28.   Signs of change abound in historic Madison, Ga.

29.   Signs of growth abound.

30.   Signs of prosperity abound in northwest Arkansas, the economic envy of the rest of the state.

n. + abound >>共 702
rumor 4.97%
story 4.91%
theory 3.50%
sign 2.76%
opportunity 2.52%
example 2.15%
speculation 1.78%
question 1.53%
evidence 1.53%
skeptic 1.47%
sign + v. >>共 417
be 78.35%
point 1.84%
emerge 1.13%
come 0.96%
appear 0.96%
warn 0.69%
indicate 0.63%
say 0.63%
go 0.55%
abound 0.54%
每页显示:    共 45