1.   Such evidence abounds, even in organizations with relatively undistinguished track records.

2.   Anecdotal evidence abounds that speaking nonstandard English blocks progress in the job market.

3.   Anecdotal evidence abounds.

4.   Anecdotal evidence abounds attesting to the capacity of traditional Asian therapies to heal chronic conditions such as asthma, allergies and back pain.

5.   But evidence abounds that his voice was not really heard.

6.   But evidence of visitors abounds.

7.   But on the campus, evidence abounds that the college has embraced the world.

8.   Churlish as it sounds, evidence abounds that the old economic rules are working.

9.   Even now, after the panic has subsided, evidence abounds that many new Afghanis recently came into circulation.

10.   Evidence abounds that college basketball is one sport in which women have made strides in gaining acceptance among fans.

n. + abound >>共 702
rumor 4.97%
story 4.91%
theory 3.50%
sign 2.76%
opportunity 2.52%
example 2.15%
speculation 1.78%
question 1.53%
evidence 1.53%
skeptic 1.47%
evidence + v. >>共 347
be 65.23%
suggest 5.52%
show 3.20%
indicate 1.95%
emerge 1.41%
point 1.39%
exist 1.36%
come 1.30%
support 1.17%
mount 0.95%
abound 0.27%
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