1.   Conspiracy and cover-up theories still abound.

2.   Theories must be abounding nineteen to the dozen.

3.   As a fish of considerable value hunted for centuries, folk theories abound about why they leap.

4.   As for why Warhol is undergoing this sudden posthumous buzz, theories abound.

5.   As for all the looming anti-government fear, multiple theories abound.

6.   As I say, theories abound on why this is so.

7.   Again, theories abound.

8.   For centuries, no one quite knew where eels came from, and bizarre theories abounded as to their origins.

9.   Here again, theories abound.

10.   In Shag Harbour and beyond, theories abound.

n. + abound >>共 702
rumor 4.97%
story 4.91%
theory 3.50%
sign 2.76%
opportunity 2.52%
example 2.15%
speculation 1.78%
question 1.53%
evidence 1.53%
skeptic 1.47%
theory + v. >>共 298
be 45.81%
go 5.45%
hold 4.49%
have 3.37%
abound 2.46%
say 2.12%
suggest 2.03%
predict 1.60%
seem 1.04%
explain 0.99%
每页显示:    共 57