21.   U.S. District Judge Albert V. Bryan Jr. dismissed the lawsuit, ruling that the government officials violated no clearly established law and therefore were entitled to qualified immunity.

a. + immunity >>共 157
parliamentary 26.85%
sovereign 6.60%
presidential 5.47%
limited 5.30%
antitrust 5.21%
legal 4.26%
congressional 2.52%
full 2.17%
qualified 1.82%
legislative 1.65%
qualified + n. >>共 401
teacher 6.17%
worker 5.13%
candidate 4.87%
people 4.35%
applicant 3.12%
support 2.79%
majority 1.75%
personnel 1.75%
staff 1.75%
yes 1.62%
immunity 1.36%
每页显示:    共 21