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  qualified people 4.41   Artists are the most qualified people to make that connection.
  qualified applicant 3.16   Job demand vs. qualified applicants in technology sectors.
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  qualified personnel 1.78   This company, however, has no money, no qualified personnel.
  qualified staff 1.78   Another challenge facing the industry is finding qualified staff.
  qualified yes 1.65   The answer is a qualified yes.
  qualified employee 1.58   In a tight job market, finding qualified employees has become problematic.
  qualified bidder 1.45   The city will announce the qualified bidders on Thursday.
  qualified immunity 1.38   Citing his qualified immunity, Behrens sought to have the suit dismissed.
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  qualified doctor 1.32   After seven years of training, she is now a qualified doctor.
  qualified professional 1.32   Be sure that you get the job done by qualified professionals.
  qualified woman 1.32   One reason is the pool of available qualified women is small.
  qualified minority 1.25   So, qualified minority students stand out.
  qualified buyer 1.18   To date, no qualified buyer has emerged.
  qualified person 1.18   If in doubt, have a qualified person drill the holes.
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