1.   Both of these require only a qualified majority of the Council.

2.   He did not completely rule out qualified majority voting on foreign policy issues.

3.   If not, the proposal would then be put to the Council of eleven member states for a qualified majority vote.

4.   Then there is the problem of qualified majority voting on foreign policy issues.

5.   If this were so then the European Council could decide by a qualified majority when to start stage three.

6.   However a broad interpretation of the existing health and safety Articles will allow considerable scope, overcoming UK opposition under the qualified majority voting rule.

7.   A third issue is the number of decisions that can be made through qualified majority versus a unanimous vote.

8.   While unanimity is required on sensitive matters, a so-called qualified majority is enough in areas like single-market policy.

9.   The European Union launches an Inter-Governmental Conference Friday about a multi-speed Europe with qualified majority voting in at least one EU pillar.

10.   Under the treaty, the Commission must only resign if a vote of non-confidence is upheld by a two-thirds qualified majority in Parliament.

a. + majority >>共 546
vast 20.09%
republican 6.67%
overwhelming 6.36%
simple 4.37%
parliamentary 4.36%
large 3.68%
absolute 3.23%
new 2.73%
great 2.53%
clear 2.11%
qualified 0.29%
qualified + n. >>共 401
teacher 6.17%
worker 5.13%
candidate 4.87%
people 4.35%
applicant 3.12%
support 2.79%
majority 1.75%
personnel 1.75%
staff 1.75%
yes 1.62%
每页显示:    共 27