21.   That process may accelerate now, although family adviser Kerry Graham says she is in no hurry.

22.   ASEAN economies were urged Saturday to pursue free trade in southeast Asia and to accelerate the process of dismantling tariff barriers, however painful it may be.

n. + accelerate >>共 381
inflation 28.29%
growth 8.74%
trend 2.94%
government 1.76%
economy 1.76%
process 1.62%
company 1.47%
pace 1.25%
decline 1.03%
driver 0.96%
process + v. >>共 618
be 32.44%
take 10.16%
begin 5.00%
go 2.68%
continue 2.47%
work 2.03%
involve 1.58%
have 1.44%
start 1.33%
require 1.20%
accelerate 0.31%
每页显示:    共 22